Tuesday, 3 April 2012

B&W Docks...

As promised, here are the black and white photos I took during the sunset down at the docks in Bisserup, Denmark.  Although the colour photos came out really well, I'm still a firm believer that black and white captures something really special and timeless.  Hope you enjoy!

S U N S E T   P T . 2

Down at the Docks...

So this was actually a little while ago, but after leaving the camera in Denmark, I couldn't get to the photos.  There's actually some in colour (this post) and some in B&W which I'll put up in the next post.  I wish there was a way to put up multiple photos in one post without blogger freaking out.  My girlfriend and I actually just got here as the sun was going down and the colours over the water was pretty cool.  I used the DLSR and played with the composition a little.  I took some photos which had a lot of sky in them and found it worked quite well.  It's a bit different to usual, which is probably why I like it!  I would really like to do some long exposure shots of the water, but that's still something I need to learn.  So for now...here are the photos in colour...


Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Spring is here...

Spring is finally here!  Although it was officially spring yesterday, today is my mothers birthday and she's used to calling the 21st the first day of Spring...I think I'll let her have this one! So I thought I'd take a few photos using my phone and Hipstamatic as I knew the blue sky would look amazing. Enjoy...

C H U R C H   S K Y
I N   F L O W E R
B A C K    H O M E 

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Another man's treasure...

Had a morning of wondering around a local scrap yard looking for some spares today.  It really is amazing what people throw away which instantly made me think of the saying "one man's trash is another man's treasure".  Always interested to hear what you think about these random photos!

Monday, 12 March 2012

Extreme safety...

melting hearts...

More posters?

Im starting to really enjoy using this Poster app on my phone, especially in conjunction with other editing apps.  I think this poster app or Phoster as it is correctly known as is brilliant...yes it does cost £1.49 but you can really create some lovely pictures.  It would be an excellent app for anyone in media or advertising and being able to create posters on the fly.

I think that this will be the next app that I'll review over on my review blog so get yourself over there and see what you think.  I've also posted about Google Adsense and how I'm dealing with it as a new blogger.  I would be very interested to here about what you think about it.  I'm mega excited about getting as many app reviews up as possible, but they do take time, so bare with me!  So for now, here are a couple of photos I made using Phoster...


The next poster is just a re-edit of an earlier one I did.  I wanted to try and make the text stand out a little bit more - harder than it sounds!  I think I prefer it though...

C L E A R E R   W A L K S

Monday, 5 March 2012

Feeling the poster...

I've had a quick go at making some simple posters using a collection of photos that I've recently taken and these are the results.  I think I need a little more practice but its a fun app on the iPhone and a nice way of creating something a little different...

S N O W   W A L K S

" H E L L O "

N I G H T    T I M E    L O V E R

Thursday, 9 February 2012

cold...getting colder..

So as if its not cold enough, snow is on its way.  Break out the snowboard time...and ducks,  watch those ice patches...

I C E . . .

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

The sun sets on Sheffield....

So I've moved out of our place in Sheffield, but not before I took this photo of the sun setting in the Peak District.  My girlfriend and I have had so many lovely walks and adventures out in the Peaks and they will be memories that I will carry with me forever.  Im not saying that I wont ever go back, but for now, I'll be recharging my batteries and searching for a job from my parents home.  The views aren't quite the same down here in Oxfordshire, but I'm sure I'll find inspiration without particularly looking for it...

G O O D B Y E . . .

Tuesday, 7 February 2012


I am not a church go-er, but whilst at a church in London, I couldn't help take a few pictures as the colours cascaded through the stained glass.  The first one was right up in the rafters and apart from putting a boarder around the picture, I haven't altered it in anyway.


This second picture was taken purely because of its simplicity...I love the window and the light on the large open wall.  Again, I have done very little to this photo, it was just how my iPhone captured the light which I thought, for once, was fairly impressive...

C H U R C H   W A L L


After recently visiting London, I thought I'd upload a couple of pictures.  Again, the sun was out and although bitterly cold, there were some wicked colours.  Again, I was using my iPhone and Hipstamatic, but it has been surprising me and producing some nice tones.  Love the contrast between the dark tree and the vivid blue morning sky in this first one...


Only in London would you see a shop like this.  I bet there is a little of everything....and not a lot at the same time! I love how retro it is, so thought I would share it on here....


Back home...

So we all know its been a little on the chilly side lately, but there was still a lot of sun and some fantastic colours to try and capture.  Here are a few pictures, starting with one that my mum took with my DLSR.  Funnily enough, she didn't really know how to use the camera and as the view-finding screen was switched off, she took the picture 'blind'.  Even so, I think it came out quite nice...


The Second photo was taken in my parents house, it was so warm in the living room that I thought I'd take a quick picture with my iPhone and Hipstamatic.  I particularly like the wooden elephant...


Thursday, 26 January 2012

Day 2...

Day 2...photo 2... is it spring already?  Maybe not yet, but saw these as we were on our way out to the peaks.  Still not sure how long I want to do this a-day-a-photo thing, but for now its fun...

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Day 1...

Day 1...Picture 1...walking through the cemetery today and perhaps for the last time (more on that another day) and I saw these two stones...


Tuesday, 24 January 2012

New copyright logo...

So I thought I would have a go at designing a new copyright logo. It turns out that I dont know how to add the (c) so I just wanted people to know where they could find me if they liked my photos and wanted to see more... Below is the design that I think I'll use and a couple of photos which I've stamped.




Monday, 23 January 2012

in/out of focus...

I have been playing around with focus and starting to get some nice (totally my own opinion there!) results.  Love the perception of depth you get....what do you think?

C A P P U C C I N O . . .

S T U D Y . . .

Church and Stalker...

I'm still waiting to develop my diana photos, so for now, the trusty phone is out, which is handy as its always with me...obviously! I read some interesting articles about how technology is enabling people to take photos and 'cheat' with the various effects you can put onto photos.  I'll try and find a link and post it here...

C H U R C H . . .

S T A L K E R . . .

Saturday, 14 January 2012

generalised Sheffield...

Here are a couple of photos I've taken recently, nothing special, but thought I'd share them.  Really looking forward to developing my new Diana pictures and seeing how they turn out.  These first 2 were taken in the West Park museum which was a lovely day out - and free too!


The last one is of a little statue that I brought my girlfriend for Christmas...again not black and white (feels like I'm cheating!) but I like the darkness of it....

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Diana F+ goodness...

Christmas was truly brilliant, with so many presents I felt really spoilt.  Even got a Diana F+ which Im proper excited about.  Ive shot my first film (120 MF) and I cant wait to get it developed and share the results on here.  It turned out that my Mamiya was leaking light and needs to re-sealed, something I'll do at a later date.

Monday, 10 October 2011

Sorting out the archives


After dusting off the archives, I came across some oldies that I thought I'd post.  Nothing special, just some interesting ones from back home.

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Overly cast...

Had to share this one that was taken a couple of weeks ago using the DSLR.  The skies were dark and although we had to run home through the rain, it was worth it.  Nice to know that places like this are right on our doorstep...

The Art of Flight...

Came across this the other day...simply beautiful and I'm sure the full video is going to be amazing if this is anything to go by...


screen shot

Friday, 7 October 2011

all for nothing?

Turns out I didn't load the film right in my 35mm... :( so I'm starting again. A little gutted to say the least, but that's my life. At least my medium format is nearly at an end, only a couple of pics left! Now that I've re-loaded my 35mm, when I wind the next exposure into place, the winding mechanism feels a little 'clunky' - not sure if this is normal...we'll see.

"fingers crossed"

I suppose when things like this go wrong, some things in life are designed to pick you back up - i.e. warm apple pie, lashings of custard and a good cuppa...